Ecuadorian Craftsmanship: Unveiling the True Origins of Panama Hats

Panama hats, contrary to their name, are not actually from Panama; rather, they are exclusively crafted in Ecuador. The intricate process of making these hats involves two to three days for a basic design or up to eight months for the creation of an exceptionally fine-quality hat.

The cultivation of the Carludovica palmata plant is managed with a focus on preserving local ecosystems. The primary material used in their production is known as “paja toquillales,” sourced from the coastal regions o

Resurrecting the Secret Ancient Cities of the Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon, often touted as one of Earth’s last untamed frontiers, has long been shrouded in the enigmatic whispers of ancient legends. The veil shrouding the Amazon’s secrets is slowly lifting, and what lies beneath is nothing short of astounding.

Stories of lost cities hidden deep within its emerald depths have swirled for centuries. These tales lured brave Spanish conquistadors on a quest for the legendary El Dorado, a fabled city of gold, leading them off the edge of the known world, where

The Complex Intelligence of Orcas

Three orcas or killer whales by Jeroen Mikkers

Orcas, scientifically known as Orcinus orca, stand as masters of the oceans, reigning at the pinnacle of the marine food chain. Their remarkable success can be attributed to their extraordinary intelligence.

Lets do a deep dive into their intelligent behaviours, one significant demonstration of this is that they are complex social beings and like other cetaceans and whales they demonstrate complex dialects in their social communication. Orcas live

Rivers of the Amazon Skies

Rivers of the Amazon Sky: The Epic Tale of Aerial Waterways from the Amazon

Trees play a pivotal role in the formation of rain, and although we have a fundamental understanding of this process, its full magnitude eludes us. These intricate, interconnected living entities serve as the lifeblood of our ecosystem, vital for preserving biodiversity, regenerating soil, and producing oxygen. Suzanne Simard, a researcher at the University of British Columbia in Canada, has even characterized trees as

“Celebrating Indigenous Land Rights: Landmark Victory in Brazil’s Supreme Court”

In a historic and momentous decision, Brazil’s supreme court has upheld Indigenous land rights, delivering a resounding victory for the country’s original inhabitants. This landmark ruling strikes down what activists have dubbed the “time limit trick,” a maneuver backed by agribusiness interests that aimed to prevent Indigenous communities from claiming land they did not physically occupy in 1988.

The court’s resolute stance came as a result of a 9-2 majority vote, marking a clear rejection of

Learning survival techniques with the Shiwiar tribe

Some special moments from Evolve to Ecology, several biologists Carlita Shaw, Samuel Remerand and his son, filming done by Samuel and Elvin. We were learning how to survive in the jungle with Istak, (Gustavo), a medicine man and bush guide from the Shiwiar tribe. The territory is only accessible by a small apache plane after an hour and a half flight over the Ecuadorian Amazon.

A more detailed half hour video is available here.

Support our work to preserve the lives of indigenous people and the rainforest

Carlita has written a book called The Silent Ecocide- the environmental crisis is a crisis of human consciousness. Available for purchase here-

Evolve to Ecology

A half hour version of the film where these highlights were taken from is available here

The Biobank LandTrust Project -Protecting Rainforest Biodiversity

The Biobank is an ecosolution, the concept is a biodiversity land trust for indigenous people to protect the Amazon rainforest against corporate exploits. Our objectives are for the conservation of biodiversity and nature, especially the Amazon rain forest, where over 50 percent of the world’s biodiversity exists in vast areas on untouched Amazon, and we want to keep it that way. However, this can be used as a blueprint to protect any biome from cloud forests, savanahs, coral reefs, mangroves, t

Ecocide in Ecuador

In August 2012, I had the opportunity to go deep into the Amazon Rainforest via a small private plane that flew for an hour and a half over the forest to one of the remotest Shiwiar territories near the Peru-Ecuador border. It was the first time I had been able to travel so far in, the other times I had worked in the Amazon was in areas on the periphery of pure primary untouched Amazon.

On the fourth day of our visit, the tranquility of the forest was interrupted by an uninvited military helico